Saturday, 24 October 2020

Progressed Moon Crosses MidHeaven

Looking at my progressed chart, I notice that my Moon will soon cross the MC, on December 22nd 2020 to be exact. Previous crossings occurred on August 4th of 1993 and March 28th of 1966. The time periods surrounding these earlier dates are quite significant to me. 

The 1966 date marked my final year of high school. I was about to begin "my ascent" in the world, climbing a mountain whose summit was shrouded in clouds. I wasn't sure what route to take but I was beginning the ascent. 

The 1993 date is around the middle of what was a transformative year for me on many levels. In terms of my worldly ascent, I had climbed as high as I was going to climb. I was the computer coordinator at a high school in Australia and later I would be the computer coordinator at high schools in Singapore, Jakarta and Shanghai. The settings were different but the role was the same. I was happy with what I had achieved but in 1993 I realised that it was the spiritual ascent that was really important. By August of 1993, I had accepted Meher Baba as the Avatar and my spiritual ascent was beginning.

It's interesting to speculate what this forthcoming December crossing will herald. Perhaps my ascent to the astral plane as I leave this tired old body behind. Probably not however, as I feel I have a few more years left in me. What then? Well, for five years I've pretty much just amused myself doing whatever I felt like intellectually. I've relished the permanent release from the grind of the school year but lately I feel that I've plateaued. I'm ready for something different but I don't know what.

Interestingly, transiting Saturn is rapidly approaching my MC. Like the progressed Moon, this should be the last time that Saturn crosses my MC during my lifetime, unless I live to be close to 100. Figure 1 shows the October 30th 2020 contact.

Figure 1

Perhaps this imminent contact will give me a clue as to what I should do, or maybe it will be done for me. Naturally, I'll return to this post in the future once I've realised the impact that the progressed Moon has had on me. That's the idea of this blog, titled AstroWatch because I intend to watch the astrological aspects affecting my own chart and that of others. For each post, I will add an addendum at a later date, reflecting on the impact that the aspects have had.

ADDENDUM: January 12th 2020

It's too early to gauge the impact of the progressed Moon's crossing of my MC. However, on March 7th 2021, it will reach the position of my natal Jupiter in 28°47' of Capricorn and on May 15th 2021 it will reach the position of my progressed Jupiter in 1°15'R of Capricorn. What happened at the very end of 2020 is that my visa was been renewed until 19th February 2022. That was a relief and it means that I'm free to concentrate on whatever I want to. I've made a New Year's resolution (see this blog post). The resolutions were to improve:
  • my guitar skills
  • my Indonesian language competency
  • my exercise regime

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