Sunday, 19 December 2021

Transiting North Node of Moon

At the moment (mid-afternoon of December 20th 2021), Ceres (retrograde) and the North Node of the Moon are almost conjunct in the first degree of Gemini. On January 2nd, the transiting node will be conjunct my natal Moon. See Figure 1.

Figure 1

This is a largely positive influence. Ceres will retrograde until it reaches 27°50' on January 14th and so for the next month or so Ceres will be "dancing" over my natal Moon and the transiting North Node of the Moon. Figure 2 shows a painting that depicts Ceres.

Figure 2: source

The accompanying commentary is:
Goddess of grains and the harvest, Ceres holds some corn cobs in her right hand while, with the left, she holds a horn of plenty. Two nymphs fill the cornucopia with fruits, symbolizing the Earth's generosity. The subject is inspired by Ovid's mythological tales. In this collaboration between two artists, something quite frequent among Flemish painters, Rubens made the figures of the goddess and her companions, while Snyders, a specialist in still lifes and animals, depicted the fruit, the monkey at the bottom, and the birds. Rubens himself brought this work to Spain in 1628. In 1636, it was already hanging on the walls of Madrid's Alcázar Palace.

It would seem to indicate a time of material well-being.

Chiron is still very active as it moves forward through 8° of Aries. It will form a trine with natal Chiron on January 22nd 2022 before reaching the conjunction with my Mars-Venus on January 31st. Pluto continues to move toward a conjunction with my MC on January 6th of 2022.

Uranus Station

Shortly before midnight tonight, 30th January 2025, in Jakarta Uranus will station in 23 º26'  of Taurus and then begin its steady movem...