Friday, 4 March 2022

Update on the Mars-Venus Conjunction

The Mars-Venus conjunction of mid-February has passed and another conjunction of the two planets is about to occur. Figure 1 shows a chart in which the two planets are almost conjunct and right on the horizon here in Jakarta. Pluto as can be seen is very, very close by.

Figure 1

The two planets remain close together over the next few days. For example, currently (early Saturday morning) Mars is 28d55m of Capricorn and Venus is 28d45m. On Monday, at the same time, Mars will be in 0d25m Aquarius and Venus will be in 0d29m with the latter beginning to move slowly away.

This conjunction occurs in a sensitive area of my chart so I'll have to wait and see if there are any marked inner or outer effects. So far, all is quiet. I'll report back in a few days.

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