Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Aries Action

On March 1st 2025, transiting Venus turned stationary retrograde in 10º50' of Aries, very close to my natal Mars - Venus conjunction. It will continue to move backwards through Aries, meet the Sun in 2º Aries on March 23rd and then enter into Pisces over the course of the next month or more.

Transiting Mercury follows a similar pattern. It will station in 9
º35' of Aries on March 15th and then move backwards through Aries, meeting the Sun in 4º Aries on March 24th and then moving back into Pisces. These conjunctions of planets with the Sun are apparently called cazimis. I'd not heard the term before. Both the Mercury and Venus cazimis are inferior conjunctions meaning the the two planets will be between the Earth and the Sun.

Equally importantly however, there is a partial solar eclipse in 9°09' of Aries on March 29th and this is right on my Mars-Venus conjunction. This will be impactful, coming as it does just a few days before my birthday. I'll have more to say about this when I return to Jakarta tomorrow and can make use of my Astrolog software. I'm handicapped by having to rely on the web-based Astrotheme.

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Uranus Station

Shortly before midnight tonight, 30th January 2025, in Jakarta Uranus will station in 23º26' of Taurus and then begin its steady movement toward my natal Moon in 29º25' of the same sign. This is the first passage of transiting Uranus across my Moon so I don't know quite what to expect. Figure 1 shows the situation.

Figure 1

Of course, as Uranus moves toward my Moon it will aspect other sensitive areas of my chart including:

  • Semisextile natal Ascendant in 24º29' of Aries
  • Conjunct midpoint of natal Ascendent and natal Uranus in 25º40' of Taurus
  • Trine natal MC in 25º40' of Capricorn
  • Semisextile natal Uranus in 26º52' of Taurus
  • Trine natal Jupiter in 28º47' of Capricorn
These are just the major aspects. Uranus will reach my Moon around the 22nd June 2025. I've already written about that and the aspects to my chart on that date (in my previous post: Dream Predictions). Anyway, the journey (of Uranus) has begun so let it all unfold.

Thursday, 26 December 2024

Dream Prediction

It's late December 2024. What constitutes a few months. Late June of 2025 would be six months and it could be argued that six could represent a few. Anyway this post is in response to a post on my Staying Healthy blog titled Passing On.

Figure 1 shows the transits to my chart for June 22nd 2025 just prior to the Solstice. Whether or not they indicate my demise is debatable. The striking features of the chart are:

  • the conjunction of Saturn and Neptune in the second and third degrees of Aries, almost exactly conjunct my natal Mercury
  • the conjunction of Uranus with my natal Moon
  • the conjunction of Chiron with my Ascendant and North Lunar Node
  • the conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter close to my natal Uranus and square natal Mercury (the Sun of course is fast moving but the Jupiter position changes more slowly)
  • the conjunction of Ceres with my natal Venus-Mars conjunction

Figure 1

My focus in on transiting Uranus because of its proximity to my natal Moon that is positioned on the cusp of my second house that has to do with my body. It is aspected by Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto as well as Chiron. If something does happen, then it's likely to be sudden and unexpected.

Of course one way to check is to look at the chart of the person closest to you. For Desy's chart we see that the Saturn-Neptune conjunction falls on her Ascendant with the Sun-Jupiter conjunction in square to it. Jupiter is actually conjunct the IC, adding to its potency. See Figure 2. This is certainly supportive evidence.

Figure 2

What about Sabina's chart for the same time of the year? See Figure 3.

Figure 3

Here we see that the Saturn-Neptune conjunction squares her ruling planet, Saturn, while the Sun-Jupiter pairing is conjunct natal Saturn. Transiting Ceres has returned almost exactly to its natal position. Transiting Pluto hovers near her Ascendant and transiting Chiron is near the IC. Again, these transits also offer supporting evidence.

Monday, 25 November 2024

Tooth Trouble

My current tooth trouble may be attributable to transiting Saturn turning stationary direct on November 16th (2024) in 12º42' of Pisces. This place it in semi-sextile aspect to my natal Sun. Uranus is also active being semi-sextile my Ascendant and still close to my natal Moon. See Figure 1.

Figure 1

There's not too much more that can be said as I've written about the movements of Saturn and Uranus in previous posts. Hopefully the extraction will go smoothly and my dental problems will be alleviated for a while. I'll report further if anything goes awry.

Saturday, 9 November 2024

Body Woes

Here are the transits to my natal chart as of November 9th 2024. I've been feeling not so good physically over the past few days. I tire easily, my possibly fractured rib remains sore, my right shoulder continues to bother me, I have tooth trouble and so on.

Looking at the transits it can be seen that transiting Mercury is passing over my natal Chiron but this aspect is not long lasting. The main culprit it would seem is transiting Saturn that is retrograde and semisextile my natal Sun. It will grind to a halt in 12º42' of Pisces on November 16th. It will also form a quintile of 73º27' with my natal Moon.

It will ease off toward the end of November but I'm not looking forward to the passage of Saturn across my natal planets in Aries. This is probably only a year or so off now. Speaking of stations, on the 8th December 2024, Neptune (currently retrograde) will station in 27º08' of Pisces and then begin to move forward into Aries, reaching that sign on the 30th March 2025. On the 6th July 2025, it will station in 2º10' right on my natal Mercury. Transiting Saturn by this date will be in 1º54' of Aries, so this is an important transit. Desy's Ascendant is in the first degree of Aries so she will be affected as well.

Even though Saturn and Neptune are very close in July, only 0º16' of angular separation, there is no exact conjunction because on July 14th Saturn turns stationary retrograde in 1º56' of Aries and retreats back into Pisces at a rate much faster than the retrograde Neptune. By December both planets are in Pisces but about four degrees apart and in this month they turn direct again, finally reaching an exact conjunction on the 20th February in around the middle of 0º Aries.

Thursday, 29 August 2024

Tough Time To Travel

On September 9th 2024, I'm booked on a Virgin flight from Brisbane to Melbourne. The flight leaves about 6pm. I was looking at the transits to my natal chart on that day and well, the aspects for travel are a little unsettling. See Figure 1.

Figure 1

As can be seen, transiting Mercury in 29c39' of Leo is conjunct natal Saturn which of course then aspects many other planets in my chart. Transiting Mars in 2°31' of Cancer and in the third house of travel is in square to my natal Mercury. Uranus has just turned stationary retrograde in 27°14' of Taurus. Transiting Venus is directly opposite my natal Sun in 12°49' of Libra.

Of course, this might only translate to a delay (Saturn) in departure times. Who knows? The ticket is bought and one can't worry too much about such aspects. I'll report back on the flight, hopefully! As can be seen I've regained access to the laptop running Astrolog and I'm a lot happier. 

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

The Coming Uranus Station

On September 1st of 2024, transiting Uranus will station in 27°15' of Taurus, about two degrees from my natal Moon. Transiting Mars will be in 27°56' of Gemini, closely semi-sextile transiting Uranus, and in conjunction to natal Uranus is 26°52'. See Figure 1.

Figure 1

I'm naturally wary of Uranus and its station on my Ascendant back in 2016 that triggered my gallbladder collapse. I'd prefer not to lose any more organs. The major ailments at the moment, thymoma and rheumatoid arthritis, are chronic but that doesn't mean that something acute can't emerge. Uranus is the planet of the unexpected however, and so predicting what might happen is fairly pointless. Alternatively, it might all be a storm in a teacup and nothing of any significance will transpire. Meanwhile, the time draws near.

Aries Action

On March 1st 2025, transiting Venus turned stationary retrograde in 10º50' of Aries, very close to my natal Mars - Venus conjunction. It...