Thursday, 29 September 2022

Date of Demise?

Looking ahead at when Uranus will be conjunct my natal Moon, I discovered that it occurs on June 26th 2025. My gall bladder collapse of 2016 occurred when Uranus was conjunct my Ascendant and so I would expect that this forthcoming conjunction on the cusp of my second house would have health consequences. Figure 1 shows the transits to my natal chart for this date.

Figure 1

It is a most interesting chart and I'll try to identify the most important features of it:

  • Chiron (26°38' of Aries) is conjunct the North Node of my natal Moon.

  • Saturn (1°41' of Aries) and Neptune (2°09' of Aries)  are conjunct my natal Mercury.

  • Ceres (11°05' of Aries) is conjunct the mid-point of Mars/Venus and the Sun.

  • Jupiter (3°39' of Cancer) is square Mercury (where Saturn and Neptune are conjunct).

  • Pluto (3°31' of Aquarius) is sextile natal Mercury.

Of course, the conjunction of transiting Uranus with my natal Moon is the central feature. In early September, Uranus turns stationary retrograde in 1°27' of Gemini. It will pass over the Moon again in mid-December, turn stationary direct in 27°27' of Taurus and pass over the Moon again in mid-April of 2026.

I would surmise that this period from late June of 2025 to mid-April of 2026 will involve some serious health issues or even my demise. There is a clear focus on Mercury with the involvement of Saturn suggesting limitations in communication (speaking, thinking, processing received speech) and Neptune (confusion, lack of clarity and focus). The involvement of Uranus suggests suddenness as in the form of a stroke or some other sort of accident (internal or external).

Transiting Saturn and Neptune will continue on through Aries, eventually contacting my Mars-Venus conjunction, my Sun and Ascendant. It would be merciful if the lights were simply switched off rather having to grapple with the aftermath of a stroke. 

Of course, the aspects might also indicate a sudden lottery win so I shouldn't be totally negative in my prognostications. I simply don't know how it will play out but I await the outcome with interest.

Friday, 16 September 2022

Unearthing Some Old Charts

It's been a while since I posted here but as I explained in a post on my Astrological Meanderings blog, I've been without Astrolog for quite some time now. I also lost my data files and have had to rebuild them. I was fortunate enough however, to come across four copies of astrological charts from long, long ago. These were:

  • my first friend at University: Steve Ross (see Figure 1)
  • my brother Peter (see Figure 2)
  • my father (see Figure 3)
  • the time I realised that I'd won a new car (see Figure 4)
Steve Ross was born in Melbourne on September 28th 1948 at 10:10pm according to the data in the chart. I lost contact with him sometime in 1976. Internet searches haven't turned up any information about him.

Figure 1

Of course I remembered that my brother Peter was born on November 28th 1953 but I wasn't sure of the exact time, although I did recall that he had Capricorn rising. The time turned out to 7:15am. I haven't seen Peter since 1987 but he's still alive and has become an athletic coach of some renown.

Figure 2

Likewise I knew my father was born on January 9th 1924 and that he had 0 degrees of Virgo rising (even if I didn't know the exact time). The time turns out to 9pm or thereabouts.

Figure 3

The car win took place in 1986, on October 2nd 1986 at 1:15pm. It was quite a day and I remember it well.  The win came via a so-called "scratchie".

Figure 4

I'll now add this data to my Airtable database.

Uranus Station

Shortly before midnight tonight, 30th January 2025, in Jakarta Uranus will station in 23 ยบ26'  of Taurus and then begin its steady movem...