Monday, 31 October 2022

Midday Accident

It was shortly after midday today that I encountered a protruding metal rod that collided with my left chin and broke my spectacles.

This happened shortly after midday on 31st October 2022. My glasses were knocked off and fell to the ground and it took me some time to recover them given my impaired natural vision. After a couple of minutes of futile searching I sat down on the concrete skirting near the metal rod (visible in the photo) and tried to regather my composure. I was still a little shaken.

While I sat there, I was witness to a minor accident that occurred across the road. A woman motorcyclist collided with another motorcycle and she fell off her bike. It was a low velocity accident and there were no serious injuries but it was certainly synchronistic that another minor accident should occur in close proximity, both in space and time.

I drew up a chart for the time of my accident that I estimate was about 12:03pm. See Figure 1.

Figure 1: time of accident

Studying the chart, it's clear that transiting Mars (25°36'R in Gemini) conjunct natal Uranus is a key factor as it is associated with sudden accidents. The conjunction took place in the third house of short term travel. Other contributing factors were the transiting Moon-Pluto conjunction with midpoint at 24°57' of Capricorn as well as transiting Mercury (2°20' Scorpio) quincunx natal Mercury and transiting Venus (9°52' Scorpio) quincunx natal Mars-Venus. The quincunx with its association with the eighth house is associated with accidents.

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