Friday, 19 January 2024

The Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus

The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus occurs every 13.8 years and last occurred on June 8th 2010 in 0°17' of Aries. Its next occurrence will be on April 20th 2024 in 21°50' of Taurus. As I said in an earlier post, Uranus is headed for a station in 27°15' of Taurus on September 1st of 2024. I feel that the resultant proximity of Uranus to my natal Moon and its entry into my second house may have implications for my physical health. Perhaps the Jupiter contact will exacerbate things, perhaps not.

Jupiter will move to cross my natal Moon on May 23rd 2024 with transiting Venus conjunct as well and the transiting Sun. This could have health effects or perhaps bring some good luck, who knows. The point is that before the September station of Uranus there will be activity of some sort in late April and late May. I have noticed a decline in my general well-being over the past couple of weeks but whether this is temporary or not remains to be seen.

In general terms in a natal chart, the following can said about the conjunction (source):

With Jupiter forming a conjunction to Uranus in the birth chart, you naturally connect with your intuition and trust your visions, often acting on inspiration. Instinctually welcoming change and innovation, you want to improve, grow, and develop. New methods and innovations intrigue you, and you have faith in the future.

You enjoy being a step ahead of others with your ideas, projects, or knowledge–and you often naturally are. You also prefer to explore life spontaneously. You can be rather averse to instruction or direction, as you want to leave some room for discovery and exploration.

You are quick to imagine possibilities where others see dead ends, and your optimism is commendable. Authenticity means everything to you, and your sincerity and openness are distinctive.

This aspect helps you detach from traditions or customs that feel restrictive. Your ideas, beliefs, worldview, and opinions are unconventional.

It can be extremely challenging for you to accept restrictions, preferring the freedom to be spontaneous. You instinctively know that there are multiple, diverse paths and viewpoints that are valid. Look for other factors in the chart that could help with follow-through and concentration.

Key Traits of Jupiter conjunct Uranus. You will find some, many, or all of the following, depending on how strong this aspect is in the natal chart:

  • Unusual, nonconventional, and forward-looking thinking, ideals, and worldview.
  • Prophetic tendencies.
  • A free spirit.
  • Fights restriction.
  • Visionary and intuitive.

In my own case, this energy will be focused on my second house cusp and given my preoccupation with my declining physical condition, it would be a good time to dig deep into alternative therapies and exercises that might help me.

This conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus will doubtless have repercussions in terms of mundane astrology but I won't deal with that here as this blog focuses on the effects of transits on me personally. I'll link to my astrology blog if I make a post about it there.

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