Monday, 25 November 2024

Tooth Trouble

My current tooth trouble may be attributable to transiting Saturn turning stationary direct on November 16th (2024) in 12º42' of Pisces. This place it in semi-sextile aspect to my natal Sun. Uranus is also active being semi-sextile my Ascendant and still close to my natal Moon. See Figure 1.

Figure 1

There's not too much more that can be said as I've written about the movements of Saturn and Uranus in previous posts. Hopefully the extraction will go smoothly and my dental problems will be alleviated for a while. I'll report further if anything goes awry.

Saturday, 9 November 2024

Body Woes

Here are the transits to my natal chart as of November 9th 2024. I've been feeling not so good physically over the past few days. I tire easily, my possibly fractured rib remains sore, my right shoulder continues to bother me, I have tooth trouble and so on.

Looking at the transits it can be seen that transiting Mercury is passing over my natal Chiron but this aspect is not long lasting. The main culprit it would seem is transiting Saturn that is retrograde and semisextile my natal Sun. It will grind to a halt in 12º42' of Pisces on November 16th. It will also form a quintile of 73º27' with my natal Moon.

It will ease off toward the end of November but I'm not looking forward to the passage of Saturn across my natal planets in Aries. This is probably only a year or so off now. Speaking of stations, on the 8th December 2024, Neptune (currently retrograde) will station in 27º08' of Pisces and then begin to move forward into Aries, reaching that sign on the 30th March 2025. On the 6th July 2025, it will station in 2º10' right on my natal Mercury. Transiting Saturn by this date will be in 1º54' of Aries, so this is an important transit. Desy's Ascendant is in the first degree of Aries so she will be affected as well.

Even though Saturn and Neptune are very close in July, only 0º16' of angular separation, there is no exact conjunction because on July 14th Saturn turns stationary retrograde in 1º56' of Aries and retreats back into Pisces at a rate much faster than the retrograde Neptune. By December both planets are in Pisces but about four degrees apart and in this month they turn direct again, finally reaching an exact conjunction on the 20th February in around the middle of 0º Aries.

Uranus Station

Shortly before midnight tonight, 30th January 2025, in Jakarta Uranus will station in 23 º26'  of Taurus and then begin its steady movem...