Thursday, 26 December 2024

Dream Prediction

It's late December 2024. What constitutes a few months. Late June of 2025 would be six months and it could be argued that six could represent a few. Anyway this post is in response to a post on my Staying Healthy blog titled Passing On.

Figure 1 shows the transits to my chart for June 22nd 2025 just prior to the Solstice. Whether or not they indicate my demise is debatable. The striking features of the chart are:

  • the conjunction of Saturn and Neptune in the second and third degrees of Aries, almost exactly conjunct my natal Mercury
  • the conjunction of Uranus with my natal Moon
  • the conjunction of Chiron with my Ascendant and North Lunar Node
  • the conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter close to my natal Uranus and square natal Mercury (the Sun of course is fast moving but the Jupiter position changes more slowly)
  • the conjunction of Ceres with my natal Venus-Mars conjunction

Figure 1

My focus in on transiting Uranus because of its proximity to my natal Moon that is positioned on the cusp of my second house that has to do with my body. It is aspected by Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto as well as Chiron. If something does happen, then it's likely to be sudden and unexpected.

Of course one way to check is to look at the chart of the person closest to you. For Desy's chart we see that the Saturn-Neptune conjunction falls on her Ascendant with the Sun-Jupiter conjunction in square to it. Jupiter is actually conjunct the IC, adding to its potency. See Figure 2. This is certainly supportive evidence.

Figure 2

What about Sabina's chart for the same time of the year? See Figure 3.

Figure 3

Here we see that the Saturn-Uranus conjunction squares her ruling planet, Saturn, while the Sun-Jupiter pairing is conjunct natal Saturn. Transiting Ceres has returned almost exactly to its natal position. Transiting Pluto hovers near her Ascendant and transiting Chiron is near the IC. Again, these transits also offer supporting evidence.

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