Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Aries Action

On March 1st 2025, transiting Venus turned stationary retrograde in 10º50' of Aries, very close to my natal Mars - Venus conjunction. It will continue to move backwards through Aries, meet the Sun in 2º Aries on March 23rd and then enter into Pisces over the course of the next month or more.

Transiting Mercury follows a similar pattern. It will station in 9
º35' of Aries on March 15th and then move backwards through Aries, meeting the Sun in 4º Aries on March 24th and then moving back into Pisces. These conjunctions of planets with the Sun are apparently called cazimis. I'd not heard the term before. Both the Mercury and Venus cazimis are inferior conjunctions meaning the the two planets will be between the Earth and the Sun.

Equally importantly however, there is a partial solar eclipse in 9°09' of Aries on March 30th and this is right on my Mars-Venus conjunction. This will be impactful, coming as it does just a few days before my birthday. I'll have more to say about this when I return to Jakarta tomorrow and can make use of my Astrolog software. I'm handicapped by having to rely on the web-based Astrotheme.

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Uranus Station

Shortly before midnight tonight, 30th January 2025, in Jakarta Uranus will station in 23º26' of Taurus and then begin its steady movement toward my natal Moon in 29º25' of the same sign. This is the first passage of transiting Uranus across my Moon so I don't know quite what to expect. Figure 1 shows the situation.

Figure 1

Of course, as Uranus moves toward my Moon it will aspect other sensitive areas of my chart including:

  • Semisextile natal Ascendant in 24º29' of Aries
  • Conjunct midpoint of natal Ascendent and natal Uranus in 25º40' of Taurus
  • Trine natal MC in 25º40' of Capricorn
  • Semisextile natal Uranus in 26º52' of Taurus
  • Trine natal Jupiter in 28º47' of Capricorn
These are just the major aspects. Uranus will reach my Moon around the 22nd June 2025. I've already written about that and the aspects to my chart on that date (in my previous post: Dream Predictions). Anyway, the journey (of Uranus) has begun so let it all unfold.

Aries Action

On March 1st 2025, transiting Venus turned stationary retrograde in 10º50' of Aries, very close to my natal Mars - Venus conjunction. It...