Saturday, 25 March 2023

74th Solar Return

Figure 1 shows the chart cast for my 74th solar return that will occur on my birthday April 3rd 2023 at 2:17 am in Jakarta. Often the solar return occurs on April 2nd, the day before my official birthday, but this year the two coincide.

Figure 1: created using Astrolog

The chart is noticeable for its preponderance of planets in Aries. Apart from the Sun, there is Chiron in 15°41', Jupiter in 19°33' and Mercury in 28°32'. Jupiter will cross my Ascendant around April 26th so promises to be an expansive month where I have the opportunity to set my sights on new horizons and explore hitherto unrealised possibilities. Chiron remains behind in my twelfth house, maintaining a focus on healing, behind the scenes, both physically and psychically.

Figure 2 shows the transits to my natal chart at the time of the solar return.

Figure 2: created using Astrolog

The T-square formed by transiting Saturn's opposition to its natal position with the natal Moon at its apex is a dominant influence as I've discussed in related posts.

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