Tuesday, 7 March 2023

Transiting Saturn Opposite Natal Saturn

I've written about this opposition before in a post titled Saturn Opposition on November 16th 2022. There's an overlap between that post and this but also some new observations.

The chart in Figure 1, showing my natal chart and the transits to it at 8:26pm in Jakarta on March 7th 2023, shows transiting Saturn in 29°59'57" of Aquarius. Very shortly this planet will enter Pisces and, on reaching 0°01', will be exactly opposite its natal position.

Figure 1: generated using Astrolog

Saturn takes about 29.4 years to orbit the Sun and, from experience, I've found that its squares, oppositions and conjunctions have been associated with significant events in my life. There's no reason to suppose that this current opposition should be any different. 

Before getting into that however, it's useful to remind myself of the significance of Saturn in Virgo on the cusp of my fifth house. Traditionally the fifth house is associated with creativity, self-expression and specifically with romance and children. Saturn's grating square with my Moon in Taurus is ameliorated only by both bodies being in Earth signs. Saturn has acted as a block to my self-expression (excessive shyness in my early years) but also a brake to the excesses that someone with so many planets in Aries is prone. 

It was late December 2014 that Saturn first reached the square to its natal position and thereafter it moved forward into Sagittarius and then moved back into Scorpio, finally stationing in 28°16' of Scorpio on August 2nd of 2015. This was the time that I received news that I would need to stay in Australia uninterruptedly for two years if I wanted to receive my pension while overseas. This was a major psychological blow because I was now separated from my family in Indonesia.

Going back to the previous conjunction, this first occurred in early September of 2007 and then there was a close contact in early May of 2008 when it stationed in 1°41' of Virgo. This was a period when my daughter ceased communicating for an entire year, a harbinger of the total and ongoing break in communications that would occur in April of 2017. That was nearly six years ago now. This leads me to speculate what the effect of this current opposition will be.

Saturn will move forward into Pisces before stationing in 7°12' Pisces on June 18th and then moving back to station again 0°31' Pisces on November 4th. This is a potent station and it will occur in the exact opposite degree to its natal position. See Figure 2. I can only wait and see how this transit plays out.

Figure 2: generated using Astrolog

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