Ceres has an orbital period of 1,682 days or approximately 4.6 years. Tomorrow, moving forward, it will pass over my natal Moon. Figure 1 shows the situation:
Figure 1: my transits for July 29th 2021 |
Ceres has an orbital period of 1,682 days or approximately 4.6 years. Tomorrow, moving forward, it will pass over my natal Moon. Figure 1 shows the situation:
Figure 1: my transits for July 29th 2021 |
Figure 1 shows the transits affecting my chart on July 15th 2021. What caught my attention initially was that yesterday transiting Chiron stationed in 12°56' Aries and today it has turned retrograde. It will station again in 8°26' Aries on December 19th 2021. See the post on my Astrology blog titled A Closer Look at Chiron that was created in anticipation of Chiron's entry into Aries on April 17th 2018. Chiron spends about eight years in Aries but only about 1.5 years in Libra.
Figure 1 |
Pluto of course hovers over my MC and will be doing so for quite some time.
In my Astrological Meanderings blog, my latest post on Periodicity of Mars-Venus Conjunctions contained the information that conjunctions of Mars and Venus recur in roughly the same position of the Zodiac every 32 years (plus 0.5 to 4 days). As an example:
Figure 1: 1981 conjunction of Mars and Venus |
Figure 2: 2013 conjunction of Mars and Venus |
My dog, Gromit, passed away shortly after midnight on July 12th 2021. Figure 1 my birth chart with the planetary transits superimposed and drawn up for 12:01am in Jakarta:
Figure 1 |
In fact, natal Chiron in the eighth house forms a transient but near perfect Grand Trine with the transiting Moon and my natal Mars-Venus (with transiting Chiron conjunct my natal Sun and very near my natal Mars-Venus).
On July 13th 2021, Mars and Venus will be conjunct in Leo. Other dates for the conjunctions of these two planets are:
Figure 1 |
It's late December 2024. What constitutes a few months. Late June of 2025 would be six months and it could be argued that six could repr...