Sunday, 19 December 2021

Transiting North Node of Moon

At the moment (mid-afternoon of December 20th 2021), Ceres (retrograde) and the North Node of the Moon are almost conjunct in the first degree of Gemini. On January 2nd, the transiting node will be conjunct my natal Moon. See Figure 1.

Figure 1

This is a largely positive influence. Ceres will retrograde until it reaches 27°50' on January 14th and so for the next month or so Ceres will be "dancing" over my natal Moon and the transiting North Node of the Moon. Figure 2 shows a painting that depicts Ceres.

Figure 2: source

The accompanying commentary is:
Goddess of grains and the harvest, Ceres holds some corn cobs in her right hand while, with the left, she holds a horn of plenty. Two nymphs fill the cornucopia with fruits, symbolizing the Earth's generosity. The subject is inspired by Ovid's mythological tales. In this collaboration between two artists, something quite frequent among Flemish painters, Rubens made the figures of the goddess and her companions, while Snyders, a specialist in still lifes and animals, depicted the fruit, the monkey at the bottom, and the birds. Rubens himself brought this work to Spain in 1628. In 1636, it was already hanging on the walls of Madrid's AlcΓ‘zar Palace.

It would seem to indicate a time of material well-being.

Chiron is still very active as it moves forward through 8° of Aries. It will form a trine with natal Chiron on January 22nd 2022 before reaching the conjunction with my Mars-Venus on January 31st. Pluto continues to move toward a conjunction with my MC on January 6th of 2022.

Sunday, 31 October 2021

Sun-Moon Conjunction November 5th 2021

Figure 1 shows the transits for the occasion of the Sun-Moon conjunction of November 5th 2021, superimposed on my natal chart.

Figure 1

The conjunction occurs in 12°40' of Scorpio which places it almost exactly quinqunx my natal Sun in 12°47' Aries and opposite transiting Uranus, retrograde in 12°47' of Taurus. The conjunction of course is quite transient and no eclipse is involved, so its impact may not be important. Transiting Uranus is exactly semi-sextile my natal Sun and this is a much more persistent aspect. 

It can also be seen that my progressed Moon in 7°22' Aquarius is conjunct transiting Saturn in 7°23'. The two thus form part of a Grand Cross with the midpoint of Ceres-Pluto, transiting Uranus and the Sun-Moon conjunction. Again this may be of little consequence, so I'll wait and see if anything of significance transpires.

The Sun-Moon conjunction opposite transiting Uranus could play out on the world stage as well and Figure 2 shows a chart, with annotations, for the moment of the conjunction in Basel. This city is where the BIS, Bank for International Settlements, is located and where the banksters may be planning to make a surprising announcement.

Figure 2

Sunday, 15 August 2021

August 19th 2021

For various reasons, the date of August 19th 2021 has been playing on my mind but today I just drew up a chart for the mid-morning of that date in Jakarta, at a time when the Ascendant is conjunct the South Node of my natal Moon. It's an interesting chart in itself because every planet is involved in an aspect of one sort or another, with many overlapping interactions. See Figure 1.

Figure 1

It's only a transient chart with the Moon moving especially fast but for the time of 9:35am, Mars and Mercury are almost exactly conjunct in terms of both latitude and longitude (12°47' v 12°44' and 0°59'N v 0°55N respectively). These two planets are in a grand trine with the Moon and Uranus. 

There is an interesting YOD-type pattern formed between the Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Chiron. It's not strictly speaking a YOD because that involves two quincunx (150°) aspects and a sextile (60°) whereas here the two aspects are sesquiquadrate (135°) and the other aspect is a square (90°). 

It will be interesting to see what, if anything, comes of it all. The date is not far off.

Wednesday, 28 July 2021

Ceres Transit of Moon

Ceres has an orbital period of 1,682 days or approximately 4.6 years. Tomorrow, moving forward, it will pass over my natal Moon. Figure 1 shows the situation:

Figure 1: my transits for July 29th 2021

The other significant but even more "transient" transit is that of Mars over natal Saturn. Transient though it may be, it can be seen that for the next couple of days there is a T-square formed between transiting Jupiter, transiting Mars and natal Saturn and transiting Ceres and natal Moon. The apex of the T-square is the natal Moon and transiting Ceres at the cusp of my second house. 

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Yesterday, after some days of lethargy, I began to do some exercise: stretching and walking within the boundary of the house. Physically, I had been feeling rather badly but yesterday's exercise has helped lift my energy levels so that today I feel somewhat rejuvenated. Hopefully I can continue this somatic renaissance.

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The influences of Chiron, now retrograde but only recently turned stationary retrograde, and Pluto remain steady.

Thursday, 15 July 2021

Chiron Station

Figure 1 shows the transits affecting my chart on July 15th 2021. What caught my attention initially was that yesterday transiting Chiron stationed in 12°56' Aries and today it has turned retrograde. It will station again in 8°26' Aries on December 19th 2021. See the post on my Astrology blog titled A Closer Look at Chiron that was created in anticipation of Chiron's entry into Aries on April 17th 2018. Chiron spends about eight years in Aries but only about 1.5 years in Libra.

Figure 1

There are other activity that I've also marked in Figure 1. These are:
  • Sun approaching my IC in about three days
  • Ceres in very close semi-sextile aspect to my Ascendant
  • Uranus exactly square my natal Pluto
  • Jupiter retrograding toward an exact opposition to my natal Saturn in late July
  • Mars and Venus separating after their exact conjunction a few days ago

Pluto of course hovers over my MC and will be doing so for quite some time.

Monday, 12 July 2021

More on the Mars-Venus Conjunction

In my Astrological Meanderings blog, my latest post on Periodicity of Mars-Venus Conjunctions contained the information that conjunctions of Mars and Venus recur in roughly the same position of the Zodiac every 32 years (plus 0.5 to 4 days). As an example:

  • 16°17' of Leo at 12:21am on July 13th 1989
  • 19°49' of Leo at 8:33pm on July 13th 2021
  • 23°26' of Leo at 7.42pm on July 14th 2053

This means that my natal Mars-Venus conjunction recurred around April 3rd of 1981 and 2013. I doubt whether I'll see the next conjunction which will be in 2045. The conjunction in 1981 occurred on April 5th at 11:27am in 14°44' of Aries. See Figure 1.

Figure 1: 1981 conjunction of Mars and Venus

The 2013 conjunction occurred on April 7th at 11:59am in 19°57' of Aries. See Figure 2.

Figure 2: 2013 conjunction of Mars and Venus

I'm hopefully starting to make better use of this blog by addressing broader, impersonal issues in my Astrological Meanderings blog (such as Periodicity of Mars-Venus Conjunctions) and then applying them on a personal level to this blog.

Gromit's Passing

My dog, Gromit, passed away shortly after midnight on July 12th 2021. Figure 1 my birth chart with the planetary transits superimposed and drawn up for 12:01am in Jakarta:

Figure 1

Pluto, conjunct my MC, dominates my chart at the moment just as it did when my brother passed away on June 8th of this year. The area around my Ceres-Pluto conjunction is quite active with the Moon, Venus and Mars all close. Mars and Venus will be exactly conjunct tomorrow and I wrote about this conjunction in my previous post. Other transits also affect this area, including:
  • transiting Saturn opposite natal Ceres
  • transiting Uranus square natal Pluto
  • transiting Chiron square natal Ceres-Pluto
  • transiting Moon trine natal Mars-Venus and natal Chiron

In fact, natal Chiron in the eighth house forms a transient but near perfect Grand Trine with the transiting Moon and my natal Mars-Venus (with transiting Chiron conjunct my natal Sun and very near my natal Mars-Venus).

Wednesday, 7 July 2021

Mars-Venus Conjunction

On July 13th 2021, Mars and Venus will be conjunct in Leo. Other dates for the conjunctions of these two planets are:

  • February 16th 2022 
  • March 6th 2022
  • February 23rd 2024 
In this forthcoming conjunction, the latitudes of these two planets are very close, 1°39' versus 1°11' north latitude. Their longitudes become identical 19°48'57". See Figure 1.

Figure 1

The conjunction occurs in Jakarta when Jupiter in 1°21'R of Pisces is conjunct the Ascendant and the Moon in 2°45' of Virgo is conjunct the Descendant. The early part of these signs are sensitive areas for Desy and myself who have natal Sun and Saturn respectively in the first degree of Virgo. I'll be watching this imminent conjunction with interest. It is less than a week away.

Tuesday, 27 April 2021


This morning I woke up feeling distinctly depressed, which is not all that common for me. I thought I'd look to the stars to find out why. Figure 1 shows my early morning transits:

Figure 1: created in Astrolog

The almost exact opposition of transiting Saturn to the midpoint of my natal Ceres-Pluto in the 4th house could have been a contributing factor. As I marked on the chart, transiting Chiron and Ceres are in sensitive positions as well. As the day has worn on, the depression has lifted and been replaced by a feeling of ill-humour.

Pluto contains to backtrack toward my MC which it will pass over on June 24th 2021. The planet will later station in 24°19' of Capricorn on October 6th (Sabina's birthday and my half birthday). This position of course is closely square my Ascendant-Descendant axis.

Monday, 22 March 2021

Solar Return 2021

As near as I can determine, the transiting Sun will return to its original position in my natal chart on Friday, April 2nd 2021 at 2:39pm. This day corresponds with Good Friday and adds to the theme of death in the chart. See Figure 1.

Figure 1

The 8th house is heavily occupied with six occupants: Neptune, Mercury, Chiron, Sun, Venus and Ceres. The stellium of Chiron, Sun, Venus and Ceres forms a kind of right-angled triangle with the Moon and Mars. Leo is rising and so the ruler of the chart in the 8th house and the cusp of this house is roughly at the T-square position to the Moon-Mars opposition.

Figure 2 shows the same transits but this time superimposed on my natal chart.

I've only marked the positions of transiting Chiron (9°05' of Aries), transiting Uranus (9°05' of Taurus) and natal Chiron (8°57'R of Sagittarius). This year and this year's solar return places transiting Chiron almost exactly conjunct my natal Mars-Venus. This planetary body is associated with healing and perhaps I can use its energy to develop my abilities in this area of psychic healing. 

Uranus Station

Shortly before midnight tonight, 30th January 2025, in Jakarta Uranus will station in 23 ΒΊ26'  of Taurus and then begin its steady movem...