Wednesday, 18 October 2023

More on Neptune into Aries

 Here is a summary of the passage of Neptune into and out of Aries in the coming years.

  • Enters Aries on the 30th March 2025
  • Retrogrades into Pisces on the 22nd October 2025
  • Re-enters Aries to stay from the 26th January 2026
  • Dips into Taurus on the 21st May 2038
  • Final visit to Aries from the 21st October 2038
  • Enters Taurus to stay on the 23rd March 2039
This blog gives a good account of the passage of Neptune through Aries from an historical perspective. For me, this transit of Neptune marks its passage through my twelfth house and its consequent conjunctions with Mercury, Venus, Mars, the Sun and my Ascendant. Of course, Neptune takes 165 Earth years or 60,190 Earth days to orbit the Sun and so this is its first passage through my twelfth house. 

In my natal chart, Neptune is located in 13°50'R of Libra and so transiting Neptune will reach an opposition to its natal position when I'm about 82.5 years old. When it finally leaves Aries and enters Taurus to stay, I'll be almost 90 years old if I'm still about. Prior to that however, it will have crossed over my Ascendant. For the remainder of my old age then I'll be under the auspices of Neptune.

The transit could mark a lapse into senility or it could herald a renaissance of an interest in psychic healing and psychic experiences. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. The first planetary contact that Neptune has with my natal Mercury will be in 2°15' of Aries. Significantly, Neptune will turn stationary retrograde in 2°11' on 4th July 2025 and this should correspond with a crucial inner or outer contact that will orientate me as to how to harness the energies of Neptune for the benefit of those around me.

Tuesday, 29 August 2023

Second House Uranus

I just noticed that transiting Uranus has just turned retrograde in 23°04' of Taurus, very close to my second house cusp in 24°20'. This may help to account for my general physical disability over the past weeks. I've had lower back pain, muscle strains to my right leg, flu-like symptoms, general malaise and brain fog. See Figure 1.

Figure 1

If this is a contributing factor to my current predicament then I may start feeling better as Uranus backs away from the house cusp but the respite may not be long. On January 27th of 2024, Uranus will station in 19°05' of Taurus and then move forward toward my second house again. It will enter it and move through it, finally stationing in 27°15' on September 1st of 2024.

There's no need to go into the fine details. The overall picture is that Uranus will be hovering around my second house cusp and natal Moon until well into 2026. I need to make sure that my medical insurance is up to date because I think I'm going to be needing it.

Wednesday, 12 April 2023

A Chance Encounter

Yesterday I ran into a teacher from the school that I used to teach at in Jakarta. I hadn't seen him since 2009. Like myself, he's married to an Indonesian and has only recently returned to Jakarta. Oddly enough, one of the first things that he said to me was that he remembered me as an avid chess player. This was odd because I can't remember playing any chess at the school.

It would be nice to have a regular chess opponent as opposed to an online computer program so hopefully we can get together in the future for some games. Our meeting took place with transiting Sun and Jupiter conjunct in Aries, near my Ascendant. See Figure 1.

Figure 1

If we develop a rapport then my social horizon will be expanded which is in keeping with the nature of Jupiter as it nears my Ascendant.

Tuesday, 11 April 2023

Jupiter Crosses My Ascendant

For the seventh time in my life, transiting Jupiter is about to cross my Ascendant. It's useful to look back at other times when the planet has crossed. If I look back to June 1st of 1999, I can see that Jupiter crossed my Ascendant at a time when I had decided to leave the Australian International School. At some point later in the year, I flew to Hong Kong for a job interview and was looking at other prospects.

Jupiter moved forward into my first house and stationed in late August of 1999 in 5° of Taurus. Turning retrograde, it stationed again on December 21st, exactly on my Ascendant. This corresponded to my departure from Singapore and my arrival in Jakarta, a pivotal change in the course of my life. The station on my Ascendant was the reason for the potency of this Jupiter contact with my Ascendant. Often Jupiter can whiz by the Ascendant once and not cross again until the next cycle.

This was the case for Jupiter's next crossing in May of 2011 where, as far as I can recollect, nothing major happened. The same will be the case this coming time when it crosses on April 21st 2023. It seems that I may well be spending a week in Kalimantan starting from the 19th of April, so that is in keeping with the nature of the aspect. See Figure 1 for the details.

Figure 1

ADDENDUM: April 22nd 2023

I am indeed in Kalimantan, having arrived in Banjarmasin yesterday and departing a week from today on Saturday, April 29th 2023.

Saturday, 25 March 2023

74th Solar Return

Figure 1 shows the chart cast for my 74th solar return that will occur on my birthday April 3rd 2023 at 2:17 am in Jakarta. Often the solar return occurs on April 2nd, the day before my official birthday, but this year the two coincide.

Figure 1: created using Astrolog

The chart is noticeable for its preponderance of planets in Aries. Apart from the Sun, there is Chiron in 15°41', Jupiter in 19°33' and Mercury in 28°32'. Jupiter will cross my Ascendant around April 26th so promises to be an expansive month where I have the opportunity to set my sights on new horizons and explore hitherto unrealised possibilities. Chiron remains behind in my twelfth house, maintaining a focus on healing, behind the scenes, both physically and psychically.

Figure 2 shows the transits to my natal chart at the time of the solar return.

Figure 2: created using Astrolog

The T-square formed by transiting Saturn's opposition to its natal position with the natal Moon at its apex is a dominant influence as I've discussed in related posts.

Monday, 20 March 2023

Neptune into Aries

Looking ahead to July of 2025, I noticed that Neptune turns stationary retrograde in 2°10' of Aries, right on my natal Mercury. However, transiting Saturn is also conjunct in 1°52' of Aries. Transiting Ceres in 12°55' of Aries is conjunct my natal Sun and transiting Chiron in 26°52' of Aries is conjunct the North Node of my Moon. Furthermore, transiting Uranus in 29°53' of Taurus is conjunct my natal Moon with transiting Venus close by in 0°10' of Gemini. Pluto in 3°03' of Aquarius is in sextile aspect to the Saturn-Neptune reaction.

This promises to be an intense time and what it presages I'm not sure. Perhaps my powers of communication (Mercury) will be affected. After all the Saturn/Neptune conjunction is aspecting the Uranus/Venus conjunction on the cusp of the Second House. Pluto promises it may be transformational. This is purely speculative so I'll have to wait and see.

Figure 1 shows a chart cast to the time that Neptune turns stationary retrograde.

Figure 1

By that date I'll be 76 years old and one can't help but wonder if this configuration could portend my end. That's clearly a worse case scenario. Looking at Desy's chart, it can be seen that the Saturn-Neptune conjunction sits right on her Ascendant. See Figure 2.

Figure 2

Whatever happens will clearly affect her as well. Many of these aspects will be ongoing. For example, Saturn and Neptune will again be conjunct in 0°45' of Aries in late February of 2026 while Uranus will continue to hover around my natal Moon. See Figure 3.

Figure 3

I get the feeling that whatever happens it will be ongoing. With Neptune already on the cusp of my twelfth house, the prospect of some sort of Neptunian healing has been playing on my mind. Chiron, the wounded healer, is currently transiting my twelfth house and will remain there for some time. The injunction, "physician heal thyself", is relevant as my thymoma remains an ongoing problem and I'd certainly like to cure myself of that affliction.

I've dabbled in finding a cure before or at least diagnosing why the problem had arisen in the first place. In November of 2021, I asked the following question:
Why did my thymus gland malfunction in the first place and create my current thymoma?

You have a hollow heart and you're trying to fill up the gap that has been created. The thymus gland is associated with the Heart Chakra, a centre of unconditional love and forgiveness. Since a falling out with a family member a couple of years back I've been containing a lot of resentment and anger. In a sense, I've been hollowing out my heart and ridding it of compassion and understanding for the family member concerned. 

This answer suggested some sort of meditation but I never took action of any kind to fill my "hollow heart" with "compassion and understanding". Perhaps it's time that I did. The practice of meditation has also been shown to be helpful in improving remote viewing proficiency, something else that I've recently become interested in. 

Neptune has a period of revolution of 165 years and so this is the first time that Neptune has been on the cusp of my twelfth house. In my natal chart, Neptune is strongly aspecting my Sun and Mars/Venus conjunction by opposition. I've always been interested in mysticism and spirituality and so Neptune's passage through this house will likely see a burgeoning of my interest and understanding of such matters.

Tuesday, 7 March 2023

Transiting Saturn Opposite Natal Saturn

I've written about this opposition before in a post titled Saturn Opposition on November 16th 2022. There's an overlap between that post and this but also some new observations.

The chart in Figure 1, showing my natal chart and the transits to it at 8:26pm in Jakarta on March 7th 2023, shows transiting Saturn in 29°59'57" of Aquarius. Very shortly this planet will enter Pisces and, on reaching 0°01', will be exactly opposite its natal position.

Figure 1: generated using Astrolog

Saturn takes about 29.4 years to orbit the Sun and, from experience, I've found that its squares, oppositions and conjunctions have been associated with significant events in my life. There's no reason to suppose that this current opposition should be any different. 

Before getting into that however, it's useful to remind myself of the significance of Saturn in Virgo on the cusp of my fifth house. Traditionally the fifth house is associated with creativity, self-expression and specifically with romance and children. Saturn's grating square with my Moon in Taurus is ameliorated only by both bodies being in Earth signs. Saturn has acted as a block to my self-expression (excessive shyness in my early years) but also a brake to the excesses that someone with so many planets in Aries is prone. 

It was late December 2014 that Saturn first reached the square to its natal position and thereafter it moved forward into Sagittarius and then moved back into Scorpio, finally stationing in 28°16' of Scorpio on August 2nd of 2015. This was the time that I received news that I would need to stay in Australia uninterruptedly for two years if I wanted to receive my pension while overseas. This was a major psychological blow because I was now separated from my family in Indonesia.

Going back to the previous conjunction, this first occurred in early September of 2007 and then there was a close contact in early May of 2008 when it stationed in 1°41' of Virgo. This was a period when my daughter ceased communicating for an entire year, a harbinger of the total and ongoing break in communications that would occur in April of 2017. That was nearly six years ago now. This leads me to speculate what the effect of this current opposition will be.

Saturn will move forward into Pisces before stationing in 7°12' Pisces on June 18th and then moving back to station again 0°31' Pisces on November 4th. This is a potent station and it will occur in the exact opposite degree to its natal position. See Figure 2. I can only wait and see how this transit plays out.

Figure 2: generated using Astrolog

Sunday, 22 January 2023

Mars Attacks

I'd woken late, a couple of minutes before 10am, and made my way to the kitchen carrying the bucket of accumulated dishes to wash from yesterday's meals. As I stepped to the kitchen sink, I stepped on the shard of a broken cup that I'd broken on the day before. I thought I'd picked up all the fragments but this one had escaped me. 

The shard sliced my right foot and I began bleeding immediately and profusely. I don't think I've ever lost so much blood. Eventually I stemmed the bleeding, applied a bandaid and all was well, although I think I was in mild shock. The time was a little after 10am and I've set the chart time to 10:10am which is pretty close to the time the accident occurred. The date is January 22nd 2023 and the location is Jakarta.

I suspected the involvement of Mars of course and I wasn't wrong. Figure 1 shows my natal chart with the transit superimposed on the outer ring.

Figure 1

As can be seen, Mars about midway through my second house in 8°39' of Gemini almost exactly opposite my natal Chiron in 8°57'R of Sagittarius. Mercury is in 8°57' of Capricorn and so is exactly semisextile natal Chiron and quincunx transiting Mars. Of course, my natal Mars-Venus conjunction, with midpoint in 9°14' of Aries is involved as well. 

The designation of Chiron as the wounded healer comes to mind. I was definitely wounded in the leg, like the centaur Chiron, and this quote from Wikipedia is relevant:

In Greek mythology, the centaur Chiron was a "Wounded Healer", after being poisoned with an incurable wound by one of Hercules's arrows. Jung mentioned the Chiron myth "wounding by one's own arrow means, first of all, the state of introversion".

For Jung, "a good half of every treatment that probes at all deeply consists in the doctor's examining himself... it is his own hurt that gives a measure of his power to heal. This, and nothing else, is the meaning of the Greek myth of the wounded physician."

Jung felt that depth psychology can be potentially dangerous, because the analyst is vulnerable to being infected by his analysand's wounds by having his own wounds reopened. To avoid this, the analyst must have an ongoing relationship with the unconscious, otherwise he or she could identify with the "healer archetype", and create an inflated ego.

Withdrawal of both projections may however ultimately activate the powers of the inner healer in the patients themselves.

Jung’s closest colleague, Marie Louise Von Franz, said “the wounded healer IS the archetype of the Self [our wholeness, the God within] and is at the bottom of all genuine healing procedures.”

Jungians warn of the dangers of inflation and splitting in the helping professions, involving projection of the 'wounded' pole of the archetype onto the patient alone, with the analyst safely separated off as 'healer'.

I don't want to make too much of such a transient event but it was impactful psychologically to see one's life blood spilling so profusely and dramatically on the white tiles underfoot. I was reminded that, given my disillusionment with the medical mafia, I need to be my own healer and treat my own wounds, both psychological and physical. 

Uranus Station

Shortly before midnight tonight, 30th January 2025, in Jakarta Uranus will station in 23 ยบ26'  of Taurus and then begin its steady movem...